
National Snakebite Support™ (NSS) makes every effort to keep all resources up-to-date. NSS is not affiliated with any hospital or vet funding resources. Any veterinary facilities listed below are known by NSS to have previously adhered to recommended treatment guidelines, thus enabling favorable outcomes.

This list was created in 2024 and may change after that time, as veterinarians transfer or sell facilities. The absence of a clinic or vet from this list does not imply their inability to provide proper care. NSS makes no guarantees about quality of care at any facility.

Media inquiries: For permission to reprint NSS materials, please contact us. If you are a journalist or news agency working on a piece about snakebite treatment, we are happy to help!

NSS is a non-profit organization run by volunteers with full-time jobs and personal lives that work diligently to keep this resource available. Please report any edits or suggestions to

National Snakebite Support™ (NSS) makes every effort to keep all resources up-to-date. NSS is not affiliated with any hospital or vet funding resources. Any veterinary facilities listed below are known by NSS to have previously adhered to recommended treatment guidelines, thus enabling favorable outcomes. This list was created in 2024 and may change after that time, as veterinarians transfer or sell facilities. The absence of a clinic or vet from this list does not imply their inability to provide proper care. NSS makes no guarantees about quality of care at any facility. For more information, please visit