NSS Volunteer Application

National Snakebite Support™ (NSS) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to connecting snakebite victims, pet owners, and healthcare providers with experts who practice and promote evidence-based snakebite management. 

Our mission is to improve snakebite treatment by supporting continuing education opportunities and resources for medical professionals—both human and veterinary—and by empowering bite victims with the knowledge to advocate for appropriate care.

We are thrilled for the opportunity to get to know you and review your application to join our team. New moderators are responsible for member approvals, comment removal, and alerting mod squad to pending active bites. Please remember, ALL NSS team members volunteer their time. This is not a paid position. You will go through training and on-boarding like all NSS staff and gain rewarding experience with a non-profit organization.

Training requires time and resources from administrative staff. While no one has “set hours” for monitoring the page, applicants must be able to dedicate screen time on Facebook. The ideal applicants will have the following requirements:

  • significant Facebook presence,

  • prior experience moderating a group or technical skills to use group moderation tools such as approve/deny member request, mute/ban members, adding notes on activity log, taking screen grabs of your mobile device or computer screen for records, swapping between group chats, close attention to detail reading member names and content,

  • professional decorum and discretion working with bite victims and staff,

  • current member in good standing

Please include your location (to determine time zone,) your resume and/or background information about yourself, a rough estimate of how much time you can commit towards the page, and relevant experience. Thank you all so much for your interest. This is an amazing resource we want to keep available for years to come.