There’s absolutely NO BENEFIT from Benadryl following your typical snake envenomation.
Written by Dr. Spencer Greene
There’s absolutely NO BENEFIT from Benadryl following your typical snake envenomation. Benadryl is an antihistamine. Histamine is not a major component of snake venom, so antagonizing the effects of histamine accomplishes nothing. It does not “buy time” or “reduce inflammation” or anything of the sort. All it does is give people a false sense of security and distracts them from the most important thing: GETTING TO THE HOSPITAL SO THAT SOMEONE CAN DETERMINE THE NEED FOR ANTIVENOM, WHICH IS THE DEFINITIVE TREATMENT FOR SNAKE ENVENOMATION.
The only time Benadryl may be helpful is in the rare case of an allergic reaction to either the venom or the antivenom. And in serious reactions, the drug of choice would be epinephrine, not Benadryl, which helps for hives and itching but not the cardiac or respiratory complications.
Please read this excellent article by our own Dr. Nick Brandehoff:
You can also read the most recent anaphylaxis practice guidelines, which address the lack of utility of antihistamine, here.
A note regarding pet envenomations that recovered without treatment.
Written by Kimberly Wyatt:
Benadryl doesn’t treat snakebites; that is well-established. Most vets aren’t taught about snakebite treatment in vet school, and don’t understand how snake venom works, and that it differs from venoms of bees, wasps, etc. That’s why this group exists—to help close those knowledge gaps, and to save snakebite victims from needless pain and suffering.
If your pet recovered without treatment, it simply means they suffered the full effects of the envenomation without any supportive care, and the outcome would’ve been the exact same had you given him no meds at all. Keep in mind, not all snakebites will be fatal. Antivenom isn’t just intended to prevent death; it’s meant to reduce pain and suffering, too. Benadryl does neither of those things.